Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I Shiwanta Wattro
Ah, my ſubjects! It is with grave aprehenſioun & diſguſt that I write to-daye of theſe unworthye, baſtard ſonnes of ye Romans. Perhaps no-one has had ſuche Arrogaunce, ſuch fooliſhe Pompouſneſs, and yet come out unſcath'd, nay, hightened, from their Rodomontades.
Ye Spaniards delude themſelues by thinkinge they are ye ſame -- ſay no blaſphemye, and rouſe thyſelves, noble Spaniards, above thoſe rat-faced mongrel proxenetes! Their vaunted firſt Athenaeum of ye Worlde is but a Backwater, their Patrimonye, ſo abundant, rottes awaye beneath ye Acid Rayne!
Even nowe, theyre Cheſtes are not only emptye, but twice emptye, withe a deficit of ittes owne value. Theire Heades are empty as welle, as are their Muſeums, their ſhoppes, and their Morales.
Ah! Perfidious Countrye, thou haſt marked mee far too manye a time, when my Shoos have tread'd thy filthye Streetes, with thy humid, drearye ſkyline, and that moſt-ludicrous and thy mouldy, undefendable Barrel, ye Caſtel Sant'Angelo.
Thy Lungotevere crumbleth -- ſee to its repair.
Thy patrimony returnes to ye Earth from which it came -- reſtore itte.
Thy people are ſtupid -- ſee to their educatioun.
Never have I ſeen ſo wretched a land, ſo oppreſsed a people, ſuch haughty ignoraunce. If only Parliament would give mee fundes to raiſe an armye! No, that ſhall not come, and we ſhall remain infected evermore.
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My sweet Charles: Don't worry if you don't see my blog again. I've decided to close it and erase every trace of me. The are people... you know: simply disgusting. I have lots of haters (and lovers!), you know. Nevermind, I fart in their faces and scape as always! Hahaha.
I'll see you next week. Call me before to tell me when do you arrive at the train station to take you to Cahors.
I saw it all, and a right bunch of bastards they are. Don't you worry, I'll call you, and don't get upset over those assholes. Blast, it's a shame you had to close it, it was quite a success compared to mine, heh.
Take care.
Yr. Srvnt.
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