Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ye "Lord Protectour"

Ah, how longe hath it beene ſince YE KYNGE hath poſted here? Tyme matteres notte, for We are long dead, and therefore do as We pleaſe.

To-day, We ſhall make a Vindication for true ſinceritye & humilitye, & combat arrogaunce & fooliſhneſs, both in our ſubject & abroade.

Indeede, it ſeemeth as if ſome of Our ſubjects, not content with being borne vpõ this Sceptred Iſle, decide to make righte fooles out of themſelves by behaving in an arrogaunt, ridiculous faſhioun. YE KYNGE cannot ceaſe to remynde his Gentle Readers that he diſapproveth these attitudes moſt forcefullye, and condemneth it, as he hath done in a previous poſte.

NEVERTHELESS, We were much diſtraut by obſerving that, within ye other natiõs, many were foole enough to playe this foule game, accepting certain criticks in order to validate certain others, moſt-particullarlye againſt ye French. Which Ye Kynge conſideres ridiculous.

What honour is there, indeede, in bragginge or boaſtinge, in ye manner of a footpadde? Ye Kynge is to ſay ye leaſte, baffled.

Some very-fooliſh ſubjects of ourſe, in particullar Mr. Shakeſpeare & Mr. Siluer, had alreadye begunne this woeſome trend, which would be carryed oute, after my paſsing bye, by certain revolting leſe-majetees ſuch as Mr. Pitt.

And it it waſe Mr. Pitt who didde it, whoſe faulte is itte? Cromwelle's, of courſe.

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